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Tynemouth open meeting

A fair number of N12 sailors, past, present and possibly future assembled at Newburn Slipway for the annual Tynemouth SC Tate Winter Trophy but only four N12s made it to the top of the slipway and just three launched. After a short wait for wind and tide  the N12's started in a workable sailing breeze over a short course spread each side of Newburn Sklipway. The Enterprises followed 5 minutes later and both fleets enjoyed close racing for 2 laps. 'A true test of light weather sailing skills' was the comment from an ex N12 River sailor as he followed the fleet tacking up the river on the flood tide. Tim Hampshire and his young crew Christopher Hampshire from Ripon SC overtook  Phil David with crew Emma Hampshire to win the N12 race whilst Ian and Margaret Purkis weren’t far behind in N1483 "My Little Margie"
Sadly the breeze began to fade by the start of the second race. The course was shortened but as the tide slackened progress was slow. The arrival of rain killed the wind even more and both fleets finished at the end of their first lap. Once again Tim Hampshire overtook Phil David to win the Tate Winter Trophy whilst Ian & Margaret resorted to paddling home. There was little appetite for a 3rd race so the fleet came ashore, packed up and retired to the 'Keelman' for refreshment! One highlight; small child and one possible future N12 sailor found stroking the gleaming varnish on "My Little Margie" as the boats were being de-rigged! One of the genuine delights of meeting the public at Newburn.

Results now posted on TSC website or by clicking the link below:

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