National 12 - find out more...

Twelves at Waldringfield Sailing Club's Cartoon Trophy

Despite forecasts (that turned out to be accurate) of blustery conditions,
the National Twelve fleet descended on Waldringfield for the weekend of
8/9th of September. In a healthy force 3/4 the first race was led
initially by Dave Wade and Jane Jones, taking a break from a busy season in
the Fireball class. Antony Gifford and Jessica Brown overhauled Wade &
Jones on the first beat and were able to establish an unsurmountable lead
on the long run back against the tide. Jon and Charlotte Ibbotson finally
broke clear of the pack to give chase and finish second, ahead of John and
Katy Meadowcroft.

Positions were reversed in race two, the Ibbotsons establishing an early
lead and winning comfortably while Gifford and Brown had to work their way
thorough to second. Gifford and Brown were chased home by Neil Ravenscroft
and Frances Gifford, Neil was taking a deserved break from the Lark and
learning a lot about how to keep a Twelve rig out of the water.

Sunday was significantly windier, and Tom Stewart and Liz Ross arrived.
Stewart and Ross won race three, and the Ibbotsons worked past Gifford and
Brown to take second.

The final race began in somewhat extreme conditions, Gifford and Brown
reached the first mark first... and then decided that discretion was the
better part of valour, and headed home with the boat in one piece. The
Ibbotsons reached the same decision, and much of the rest of the fleet
opted out. Stewart and Ross continued for a while before parking their
boat under a moored yacht for a while and retiring gracefully. Only Wade
and Jones were to finish, sailing with impressive stability to finish the
shortened race without a swim, and capturing the prize for the Admirals Cup
qualifying older boats.

As ever WSC did a great job hosting the event, with plenty of rescue cover
for the classes that needed it.


1st N3445, Jon and Charlotte Ibbotson
2nd N3447, Antony Gifford & Jess Brown
3rd N3431, Neil Ravenscroft & Frances Gifford

1st, Admirals Cup 12, Dave Wade and Jane Jones.

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