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National 12’s at Filey


Despite an excellent forecast only five National 12’s made it to the Filey Regatta to join over 130 boats and a wide range of other classes for a weekend of sea sailing.


The first race had to be delayed after an accident and bus fire on the main coast bound A64 delayed many of the competitors.  The race started about an hour after the posted time but fortunately with most of the competitors at the line for the start with a pleasant force 2 breeze and clear blue skies.  Philip and Helen David were in excellent form with Sue Jones, Bernard Clark, and Neil McInnes in hot pursuit whilst Howard Chadwick returned to start from the correct side of the line.  These positions remained the same throughout the race.  Race two saw a wind shift during the start create a biased line and the wind was more variable from a marginal planning reach to at time almost a drifter.  Philip was again quick to establish a lead followed by Bernard, then Howard followed by Sue and Neil.  On the second beat Sue tacked off and found some breeze that the others had missed, finally rounding the windward mark in second place a position she held to the finish.


Sunday brought another bright sunny day but sadly no wind in the bay for our 10.30 start.  These conditions continued until well after 1pm with crews walking out onto the Brig and sunbathing whilst the race officer patrolled the bay looking for a breeze.  Finally, it was decided to start at 2pm and to hold just one race although a number of boats had already packed up for home.  Only 3 Nationals went out for this race and whilst Philip proved that Saturday’s results were not a fluke, Sue and Neil had a good race.  The wind died again at one point resulting in most of the fleets drifting round the leeward mark in a large bunch and then having a slow beat to the finish against the tide.  Neil briefly got in front of Sue but this was soon reversed again to the now established finishing order.

Final Results with all 3 races to count


Philip and Helen David              1st                    3217

Sue Jones and Katie McInnes   2nd                    3263

Bernard Clark and Richard Willet         3rd                    3382