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Pevensey Bay

The National 12s that traveled to Pevensey Bay for the annual Open Meeting encountered generally light winds, strong tides and plenty of windshifts.  All but Tom Stewart and Liz Ross found such tricky conditions not conducive to consistent sailing.  Stewart & Ross won the first four races and left the remainder of the fleet to negotiate another race whilst they relaxed on the beach.


Stewart & Ross entirely dominated all of the four races bar the first.  John & Katy Meadowcroft held a marginal lead at the windward mark ahead of Stewart & Ross and then Antony & Jo Gifford.  The Meadowcrofts sailed too low on the first reach, dropping them to third.  On the next leg it was Stewart & Ross’ turn to sail too low as the Giffords piled over the top.  The Giffords showed good speed to take what appeared to be a decisive lead.  However, what was to become normal service started on the final beat when Stewart & Ross sailed past the rapidly slowing Giffords on the finish line.  Ian & Alex Gore took third place.


The second race on Saturday was sailed in the most wind of the weekend – enough to pull the elderly transom from the back of Graham Iles’ boat.   The Meadowcrofts again led at the windward mark, and tried in vain to defend down the first reach with Stewart & Ross challenging.  Stewart & Ross took a lead that they held to the finish from the Giffords and then the Meadowcrofts.


Pevensey Bay SC served up their usual brand of Saturday night hospitality and sunglasses were not just required on Sunday morning due to the glorious weather.  A short postponement ensued as a gentle breeze established itself.  Stewart & Ross were oblivious to any hangover problems, leading all the way, pursued by Bruce & Clare Johnson, and Martin & Mackley.  With the wind lighter, the tide running across the course was highly significant as were the fleet of Larks sailing on the same course who had a habit of general recalls and finally starting as the 12s approached their first leeward mark.  Caroline Martin & Sophie Mackley finished second from Mike Cooke & Helen Hunt in third.


Race 4 was groundhog day.  Stewart & Ross took another front rank start, sailed up the middle of the beat, exhibiting both excellent speed and conservative tactics.  They led again at the windward mark, building a solid lead over Ian & Alex Gore which they held to the finish with Martin & Mackley in third.  The fleet again met the Larks at the leeward mark which livened up proceedings.


With Stewart & Ross on the shore it was with great anticipation that the remainder of the fleet started the final race, despite no increase in the wind and the tide ebbing strongly.  The Meadowcrofts led off the start line managing to reach to the first buoy as did the rest of the fleet with the tide pushing them upwind.  The Gores were just behind and on a long slow first reach into the tide they just established an inside overlap at the first gybe mark.  Despite a problem with a jammed centreboard, the Gores held on and indeed sailed away on a generally reaching course to secure the race win and second place overall.  John & Mandy Thornton rounded off their day with second place from the Meadowcrofts in third.




Pevensey Bay Superga Trophy 2003



Helm & Crew




N 3476 ‘Sliver’

Tom Stewart & Liz Ross

Royal Harwich YC

‘Feeling Foolish’


N 3441 ‘Tabitha Musto’

Ian & Alex Gore

Up River YC

‘Feeling Foolish’


N 3473 ‘Max Factor’

John & Katy Meadowcroft

Henley SC

‘Final Chapter’


N 3447 ‘Random Zigzag’

Antony & Jo Gifford

Aldeburgh YC

‘Final Chapter’


N 3455 ‘Bart’

Caroline Martin & Sophie Mackley

Burghfield SC

‘Feeling Foolish’


N 3472 ‘Aardvark Issues’

Mike Cooke & Helen Hunt

Notts County SC

‘Big Issue’








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