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National 12 events 2006

Derwent Resevoir Vintage Open Meeting


2nd Sept 2006

This meeting is traditionally a highlight of the Witchcraft Bailer Series, but the only things that were high this year were the wind strength and the intensity of the rain. Perhaps because of the ominous forecasts in the previous week, only four boats turned up, their crews gritting their teeth as they rigged their boats in the rising winds.


The winds were about Force 3-4 as David Darling started the first race but by the second lap had risen to Force 5+ and under this assault Ken Goddard and Alex Milburn in Duodecimal, N.2300, took a swim at one of the gybe marks and retired. Howard Elcock and Towan Hancock were going very well in National Panic, N1684, and were leading Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson in Lets Go in the last lap, but unfortunately capsized at the final mark. Howard's rudder disappeared in the murky depths of the reservoir. Meanwhile Howard Chadwick and Helen Nicholson sailing Triarda, did try harder and sailed imperiously into a commanding lead. Brain and Ros followed them into second place.

In the light of only two boats left to race and with continuing heavy squalls, all concerned agreed to close the meeting at that point. Although the meeting had been scheduled as a handicap event to Derwent Reservoir Rules, the sailing of only one race meant that these were not applicable and the result was therefore corrected by the PY method used at the 70th Anniversary Regatta at Pitsford on May 28.



1. Howard Chadwick & Helen Nicholson, N.2266 Triarda, Yeadon S.C.
2. Brian Herring & Ros Stevenson, N.1673, Let's Go, Winsford Flash S.C.

PS now in October the water level in the reservoir has fallen so low that Howard E.'s rudder has been found!!




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