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National 12 events 2006

Desborough Open Meeting

The fourth event in the Thames area series was held at Desborough Sailing Club on the river Thames. Whilst the rest of England was battered by strong winds, the high trees at Desborough provided perfect (if slightly gusty) conditions on the river.

In race 1, Terry Moody was first off the line, sailing out of the current with a nice lift. With 8 boats on the start much tacking ensued and Mike & Alex Storey popped into the lead. But Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne picked up a nice port lift from the trees to pull across the fleet into a lead which they maintained to the finish.

In race 2, a large port header meant the fleet struggled to cross the line. Mike Day & Anne Murch were well positioned and were first to tack on to port and took an early lead. After a tacking battle all the way to the first mark Camm-Ballantyne sneaked into the lead. Day-Murch made several runs at the lead but all were successfully held off by Camm-Ballantyne.

A squall came over at the start of the final race, Mike Day & Anne Murch were first off the line and despite the fluky conditions they held the lead to the finish.


1st Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne

2nd Mike Day & Anne Murch

1st Desborough Boat: Mike & Alex Storey



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