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National 12 events 2006

Ranelagh Summer Open Meeting

With England's World Cup game scheduled for an afternoon kick-off, just 5 Twelves came to the line for the Ranelagh Summer Meeting on 25th June.  It was, as usual, one race to decide the winner of the wonderful silver National trophy, with almost more former talent on the shore (Messrs Jackson, Daser and Vialls) than on the water. 

Ranelagh, with not much wind and the tide running fast, is the only place where it definitely pays to be facing the wrong way at the gun.  All boats just managed to stay the right side and then headed off together up river and down tide to the first mark way past the Fulham football ground.  Three loops on that reach of the river were set, with a return back to the club expected at high tide. Fran Gifford and Sophie Mackley were first round, followed by Dave Wilkins and Adele Cameron, and Chris and Alison Edwards.  As Fran and Sophie gradually pulled away, Mike Day and Anne Murch came through to third and then second when Dave and Adele hit the uptide mark not once but twice in quick succession. 

On the way back to the club line, Fran and Sophie held on through the dead patches and large shifts to win, while Dave and Adele made a strong comeback to get through to second by the line.  Final results were:

1.         N3431                        Fran Gifford and Sophie Mackley

2.         N3481                        Dave Wilkins and Adele Cameron

3.         N3496                        Mike Day and Anne Murch

4.         N3362                        Chris and Alison Edwards

5.         N3154                        Felix Newall-Smith and Tom

As a final postscript, we came into the shore as Mike Jackson was just concluding the sale of Final Chapter to a newcomer to Twelves, thus ending nearly 50 years of Twelve ownership - a poignant moment.



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