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National 12 events 2006

Royal Harwich Open Meeting

The fourth meeting of the 2006 National 12 Gill Series was held at Royal
Harwich YC on 9th and 10th of June. Sunshine, high temperatures and cooling
(just) sea breezes were the order of the weekend.

John & Katy Meadowcroft led the first race from start to finish having a
close battle with Richard Williams and Lindsey Iles all the way round the
course. Tom Stewart and Liz Ross battled through the pack to take 3rd from
Caroline Martin & Andrew Douglas.

In race 2 the Meadowcrofts again popped out at the windward mark, marginally
ahead of Stewart & Ross. Stewart & Ross pulled through on the subsequent
downwind legs to enjoy a boat length lead at the leeward mark. A minor
navigational misjudgement cost them the lead and the Meadowcrofts seized the
opportunity to take their second win of the day. Graham Camm and Zoe
Ballantyne together with Antony & Jo Gifford then exerted pressure on
Stewart & Ross, with the Giffords eventually pulling through to take second

The high tide sailing was conveniently timed for the fleet to be ashore
before half-time in the eagerly anticipated England football match. The
fleet then danced the night away with the Firefly and Lark fleets.

Sunday dawned hotter and with slightly less wind. Camm & Ballantyne were
quick out of the blocks in race 3, chased by Frances Gifford & Sophie
Mackley. Camm & Ballantyne went on to win from Stewart & Ross.

Race 4 was also for the Burton Salver. The Meadowcrofts took an early lead,
but in the latter stages Camm & Ballantyne and Stewart & Ross got very close
and threatened to overhaul them. However there was enough breeze to keep
the Meadowcrofts going and they went on to win the race and the meeting.

Camm & Ballantyne won the final race by a substantial margin from Gifford &
Mackley and then Williams & Iles. By now the tide was ebbing furiously and
many had problems with the depth, causing some excitement for those with
daggerboards and fixed rudders.

As ever the generous sponsorship of Gill was welcomed by all competitors,
and the efforts of Graham Ireland and his race team to turn around the races
quickly was both highly impressive and greatly appreciated. A great weekend
of dinghy racing.

1 N3473 ‘Max Factor’, John & Katy Meadowcroft, Henley SC, 7pts
2 N3492 ‘Babel Fish’, Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne, Burghfield SC, 8pts
3 N3501 ‘Silver Fin’, Tom Stewart & Elisabeth Ross, Royal Harwich YC, 11pts
4 N3431 ‘Zippy’, Frances Gifford & Sophie Mackley, Aldeburgh YC, 16pts
5 N3484 ‘Fatso’, Antony & Jo Gifford, Aldeburgh YC, 22 pts
6 N3450 ‘Carbon 12’, Richard Williams & Lindsey Iles, Royal Harwich YC,

1st Admirals' Cup, N3012 ‘Punkarella’, Nigel Waller & Tom Louth, Royal Harwich YC



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