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National 12 events 2006

TVSC Vintage Open Meeting

Vintage & Four Plank National 12 Open Meeting - Saturday 23rd September 2006

The fog and total lack of wind did not auger well for Trent Valley’s first Vintage & Four Plank Open Meeting but by the time of the first race at 11.00 the breeze arrived with beautiful sunshine and the 7 vintage and 6 four-plank boats and their crews enjoyed a fabulous day’s racing.

The 1st race was started in light winds with a short reach to the first mark. John Cheetham arrived at the mark first and sailed into an unassailable lead in his Windfall design, which had been abandoned in his garage for some years, until days before the meeting. Nick Gill sailing Paul Turner’s China Doll N2487 also had a good start but was ultimately overtaken by the vintage “old hands” Brian Herring N1673 and Brian Kitching in his Chimp design N1657.

Photo: 5 seconds before the gun 2 with John Cheetham and Nick Gill making good starts*

After a splendid Trent Valley luncheon, the 2nd race saw a narrow boat deciding to join in the fun (and ruining Howard Chadwick’s start) but again John Cheetham lead from the line with TVSC new boy Peter Ferguson in his newly restored Pipedream in second, with Nick Gill a close third. Again there was lots of place changing to the top mark as boats battled with each other, but positions had been clearly sorted out by the time the fleet arrived back at the club. John Cheetham again finished in the lead with Rosie White second in her Paper Dart and Brian Herring third.

Bemused narrow boaters watch the battle in the third race between Peter Ferguson, Diane Thornton, and Rosie White with Brain Kitching in hot pursuit*

The third race saw a text book downstream start, with everyone close to the line and heading in the right direction – the RYA trainees on the bank were very impressed! Diane Thornton in her Cheshire Cat was first around the bottom mark followed by John Cheetham and Brian Kitching. The fleet split into two separate groups on the run up the river but much close tacking downhill saw lots of place changing and a particularly interesting battle with Peter Ferguson trying to keep Diane Thornton and Rosie White behind him only to be caught up by Brian Kitching and Brian Miatt in Witch. By the end of the first lap John Cheetham again had a huge lead, followed by Nick Gill who had finally got to grips with the China Doll and remembered the secrets of the Trent, with Rosie White in third.

John Cheetham and Alison leading the first race in N3050 Rainbow Chaser (a Windfall design)*

The overall winner (with three impressive wins) and first four plank boat was helmed by John Cheetham from Yeadon crewed by daughter Alison, with Rosie White from Burghfield second, crewed by mother Chris. Third overall and vintage honours went to Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson (Winsford Flash SC) with Nick Gill and Christine Marshall (Trent Valley) fourth (second vintage).

The prize for the greatest vintage index (total age of helm, crew and boat) was awarded to Brian Miatt and Margaret Purkis from Yorkshire Ouse sailing Witch N153. And finally the award for the best “sports” of the meeting went to novice sailors Peter and Julie Terry who had borrowed a very detuned 4 plank China Doll that they had never sailed before and finished every race!

The concept of joint vintage (ie clinker construction) and four-plank worked very smoothly and more joint meetings like this are expected in the future.

Paul Turner (TVSC N12 Class Rep/Race Officer)

* Photos 1 & 2 c Paul Turner photo 3 c Roger Britton/Brian Herring


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