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Series: Series Eastern (e) Midlands (m) Northern (n) Scotland (s) South West (sw) Thames (t) Vintage (v)  

Vintage series results (Witchcraft bailer)

 Final: 29-11-2011

Read the summary of the year


Helm. Crew Boat Name Sail No. Pos Points Redesmere Burwain Northampton Yorkshire Ouse Ripon Handicap Aldeburgh Wroxham Frampton Hcap Trent Valley Ripon Yeadon
Howard Chadwick Helen Nicholson/Ben Angela Haslam Triada 2266 1 2.75 2 2 7 3 .75* 5 1*   2 3 1*
Paul Turner Christine Preston Dolly D/Starfish/Shotgun 2487/2020/2359 2 5 1* 1* 7     5   3* 3 1  
Tim Gatti Ben Palmer Saskia 2335 3 7   4* 7   4 5 4 1*   5 2*
Brian Herring Ros Stevenson Let's Go/Suzy Wong  1673/2468 4 11 3* 3* 7 5 5*   3     4 3
Ian Purkis Margaret Purkis My Little Margie 1483 5 15   6   4* 6* 5*          
Brian Wady Liz Wady Brainstorm 2344 6 18         7*   5*     6*  
B Clark Ellie Clark Xanthus 2149   DNQ         3   2        
B.Kitching ? Just Lucky  1657   DNQ     7         2      
P.David Caroline Clarke Little Meg 2545   DNQ       1              
A Mason ? Dilly Dally 1607   DNQ 4                    
Angus Beyts Rohan Beyts? Mr Jones 2399   DNQ   5                  
J Kilgour ? Knickerbocker Glory 2607   DNQ               4      
G Camm Zoe Ballantine Shotgun 2359   DNQ                 1    
V Philips Alex Philips + Invasion 2 2531   DNQ       2           2  
E Willett ? Water Nymph 1833   DNQ     7   2            
Joly Ferron ? Gypsy 1   DNQ             6        
Entries 4 6 6 5 7 4 6 4 3 6 3
Points System
1-2 boats 1st = 1.5 2nd = 2.5 Then as per normal low points system
3-6 boats 1st = 1 2nd= 2 Then as per normal low points system
7 and over 1st = .75 Then as per normal low points system
Boats attending and entering but not qualifying for any reason will score number of boats entered on the day as agreed at the vintage meeting at TVSC in May 2008.
Qualifying Results
Best 3 results must include at least 1 Derwent handicap Event and 1 non Derwent Derwent handicap events.
To count in this series boats must sail with a full crew as per association rule 12 Boats entered but no qualifiers (High Winds)
Positions for combined events taken directly from overall positions for the combined event     Apologies to any unnamed crews
Ties broken as per RYA rule 90.3 and appendix A8.1 and A8.2
Races lost due to high winds etc all boats score at number of entries +1



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