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Hykeham open meeting

25th September


The Indian summer didn't quite make it up as far as Lincoln however the wind was cracking for sailing with some firm gusts greeting the competitors. The race officer set a figure of eight course including 2 gybes per lap and there were a lot of lapping providing ample opportunity for gybing practise and the occasional capsize for the spectators.




In race 1 Steve Sallis in Catbert tacked early off the line whilst the rest of the fleet on the port end sailed into a bank of weed. Catbert was first to the windward mark with the Camm brothers battling for second. The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne) just pipped Piuma Al Vento (Geoff & Amelia Camm) to second. The gusts on the second reach dealt Catbert a poor hand and the Very Hungry Caterpillar overhauled to take the lead which they held for the rest of the race.


The wind moderated a litter after lunch for race 2 and there were fewer capsizes for the spectators. Piuma Al Vento had a clear start on the starboard end of the line and looked fast on the right hand side of the course along with Catbert, the Very Hungry Caterpillar snuck up the right hand side of the course and was just ahead  when they tacked in to the windward mark. Catbert made some bids for the lead on the reaches however the Very Hungry Caterpillar fended them off to win the race.




A front came through for the final race of the day along with a big change in wind direction and a good amount of rain. Piuma Al Vento, the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Catbert again jostled on the first beat and again the Very Hungry Caterpillar took the lead at the windward mark. On lap 3 a squall came through and Catbert took a swim on a tack leaving the Very Hungry Caterpillar unchallenged.


Overall results


1st  Very Hungry Caterpillar Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne  
2nd Catbert Steve Sallis & Katie Pepper  
3rd Piuma Al Vento Geoff & Amelia Camm  
4th White Heat Martin & Matt Clarke  


Photos courtesy of Terry Mason


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