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Ripon Vintage Meeting

2nd July 2011

Ripon SC hosted a Vintage handicap meeting on Saturday 2nd July. The seven entrants were greeted by gloriously warm and sunny weather which was unfortunately characterised by very light, shifty and fickle winds. With three races and no discard consistency was important to place well overall.

The first race, from scratch, was lead initially by Ed Willett with local crew Maddie Wylie in a 1960 Proctor Mk9. As the race progressed the fleet bunched up with much place changing and the final positions were in doubt right until the finish. Howard Chadwick and Angela Haslam took the win, in a 1965 Starfish, followed by Ed Willett with Bernard and Ellie Clark third in a 1963 Sparklet.

Picture: Race 3. Running through the “narrows”. Photo Sarah Chadwick
Race 2 was the first of the two handicap races, with the starting order effectively the reverse of the finishing positions in race 1. Despite this after a tricky first beat Bernard Clark and Ed Willett led the fleet initially. As the race progressed Bernard and Ellie established an enormous lead which was never challenged and the race was for the minor positions and at the final gun second went to Tim Gatti and Ben Palmer sailing a 1966 Starfish design, with Howard Chadwick and Ed Willett tied for third place.

The race 3 handicap was based on the results of race 2. Accordingly first off was Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson in a 1958 Proctor 4a who had unfortunately got on the wrong side of a wind shadow in race 2. At the other end of the scale Bernard and Ellie were given a 10 minute handicap based on their sterling performance in race 2. Brian and Ros were never challenged and sailed to an easy victory. Howard Chadwick and Tim Gatti finished in second and third.


Picture: Race 3. Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson lead the way. Photo Sarah Chadwick.

Overall a very enjoyable event sailed in great spirits and good humour and Ripon SC and all involved are to be congratulated on the race management, catering and fun times.

Overall results

1.       N2266 Howard Chadwick & Angela Haslam. Yeadon SC. 6.5pts
2.       N1833 Ed Willett & Maddie Wylie. Loch Tummel SC. 9.5pts
3.       N2149 Bernard Clark & Ellie Clark. Ripon SC. 10pts
4.       N2335 Tim Gatti & Ben Palmer. Yeadon SC. 10pts
5.       N1673 Brian Herring & Ros Stevenson. Winsford Flash SC. 12pts
6.       N1620 Ian Purkis & Margaret Purkis. Yorkshire Ouse SC. 18pts
7.       N2344 Brian Wady & Liz Wady. Ripon SC. 18pts.


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