National 12 - find out more...

Welland Yacht Club open meeting

Sunday 3rd July 2011
Glorious sun but little wind greeted the three competitors that turned out for Welland’s Open!
One of each type of N12 were present, ranging from Paul Turners China Doll, through Ian Smith’s Crusader to Andy Prior’s Feeling Foolish 
After complementary bacon sandwiches the First race started with a 180 degree wind shift shortly after the 5 minute gun, despite this all three boats got away from the line together although Paul Turner quickly picked up a nice gust and pulled out a 20 yard lead from the Priors with Ian Smith shortly behind. After the boats rounded the bottom mark the beat back up to the clubhouse proved very challenging with constantly changing wind conditions coupled with floated patches of weed. The Prior’s made the best of the conditions and squeezed past Paul to pull out a small lead.  Immediately after this Paul got stuck in a patch of weed allowing Ian to  overtake him. After 40 minutes of racing the OOD made the sensible decision to shorten the race in the changing wind conditions (not influenced by the fact the Welland boat had a comfortable lead). The Prior’s took line honours from Paul Turner who overtook Ian Smith on the last leg.


After a short break for lunch race two commenced with a reaching start in slightly more wind, this helped the lighter Feeling Foolish pull out a lead during the first leg which it held to the finish. Turner again took second with ???? closely behind in third.
Race three was back to back to avoid the risk of losing the little wind which had appeared, but unfortunately it promptly disappeared as soon the start gun went. Three boats all pointing in the same direction one close hauled, one running and one reaching on three different tacks!– Andy and Ian drifted away leaving Paul trailing along way behind in the heavier boat. Some 30 minutes later Paul caught up Ian at the bottom/club mark and overtook on the short beat in front of the clubhouse when Ian then went dredging weeds. Paul got close to Andy at the last mark but Andy held his nerve and finished just ahead.
1st  N3465 Feeling Foolish, Andy and Charlotte Prior
2nd N2487  China Doll, Paul Turner and Christine Preston
3rd N3316 Crusader, Ian Smith and Jenny Wang






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