Gul Series Update
We are already half
way through the Gul
Series for 2017,
with our 5th event
at Stokes Bay this
In June, we had
two Gul Series on
two rivers, firstly
at Yorkshire Ouse
Sailing Club and
then at the Royal
Harwich Yacht Club.
Gul Series #3 -
Yorkshire Ouse
Sailing Club
A much improved
attendance saw a
crowded start line
on the river but
Patrick Hamilton and
Gail Kay in N3502
got clean away,
chased hard by the
leading vintage boat
N2620 of Dave
Peacock and his YOSC
crew Tina Beresford.
Third was multiple
past winner and YOSC
stalwart, Philip
David with his crew
Fiona Phillips, both
former YOSC
Commodores in N2545.
After a lunch
stop the wind had
picked up, leading
to some brisk
sailing, but this
time the
Hamilton/Kay crew
were over the line
at the start and had
to return, putting
them out of
contention. This
left the
crew a clear run to
a vintage boat win
over the far more
modern competition.

The final race
and a shorter course
but now it was the
boat over the line
at the start. Tim
Hampshire (N3330)
was first to the
windward mark and
held the lead for
much of the race.
Following the
Hampshire boat, a
crowded leeward mark
had Brian Herring &
Ros Stevenson
(N2345) in trouble
dropping them to
last before
recovering well. As
the race reached its
third lap, the
Hamilton/Kay crew
reasserted their
authority and took
the lead and a
well-deserved win.
Gul Series #4 -
Royal Harwich Yacht
15 National 12s
turned out for the
annual open meeting
at Royal Harwich YC.
We were blessed with
the sunshine all
weekend, even if the
wind was gusty and
particularly shifty!

Well done to
Graham Camm and Zoe
Ballayntine who won
the event and guest
helm David Conlon
who was 2nd, with
Charlotte Stewart
crewing! The full
report can be read

A special note
goes to Angus Beyts
who managed to
travel to both
events, great work!
- Don't forget,
Gul Series #5 at
Stokes Bay
on Saturday
1st July! The
briefing is at 1030,
with the first race
due to start around
1130. Entry is £21
and taken on the day
only. Hopefully see
as many of you there
as possible!