National 12

Register a boat

Register an existing boat in your name and/or change the boat name.

If you would prefer to pay by cheque please complete and return the boat registration forms.

Boat registration for new owners
Standing order

Note: For reduced rate applicants must be under 22 or over 65 years of age on 1st January in the year of application

If you are the new owner of a National 12 please complete the details below to register it in your name. You can also change the name of your boat at the same time. To ensure your new certificate shows the latest data we need to see the old certificate, as it is not necessary for N12 owners to return their certificates to the Association for amendment when rig/weight changes are made. Please return your old certificate to ensure your new certificate shows the latest data. If no certificate exists the last known data will be used.

The old certificate can be scanned (both sides) and emailed to or posted to the Hon Certification Officer, Woodman's Lodge 52d Shaw Lane, Holbrook, Derbyshire DE56 0TG. Tel: 01332 882620.

Are you a member of the National 12 Owners' Association?

Yes, I'm an existing member

Boat number & new name  (if changing name)

  Price: £12

No, I'm not an Association member (this rate includes a subscription year of Association membership.)

* If under 22, over 65 or Student
Boat number & new name  (if changing name)


  • Under 22, £26.00 (£22.50 + £3.50 P&P)
  • Between 22 and 65, £31.00 (£27.50 + £3.50 P&P)
  • Over 65,  £26.00 (£22.50 + £3.50 P&P)
  • Student (Under 25 in full time education), £26.00 (£22.50 + £3.50 P&P)
  • Note: £3.50 covers postage of the National 12 Handbook