National 12 - find out more...

Weston Grand Slam

This Easter Team N12 descended on the Weston Grand Slam and Weston greeted us with 4 days of great open water racing with two light wind sunny days and two strong wind days. The 120+ boats were separated into four fleets with the 6 Twelves sailing in the largest of the fleets, the 43 strong slow handicap fleet. Eight races were run in total with six to count/

The Twelves fielded a good diverse side which got plenty of attention in the dinghy park and fought with the Lasers, RS200s and Europes to take 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th overall.

Dave & Josie Greening showed extreme downwind skill and were noted for their performance in planing over the top of the RS200s with kite up, while Mike Cooke's brand new Aardvark Issues showed ever increasing boat speed, going like a bullet on the reach and fast on the run. Towards the end of the weekend, he also showed signs of harnessing the upwind speed.

Racing between the Twelves was tight with just one point separating Geoff and Graham Camm after seven races so that all depended on the final race.  The race started with Geoff & Amelia taking an early lead gaining a boat length off the reaching start with Graham & Zoe hot on their heels. Geoff & Amelia increased their lead on the beat but rudder troubles and a gust filling from behind enabled Graham & Zoe to catch up. After half a dozen luffs and gybes on the run Graham & Zoe managed to sneak into an inside overlap position and claim water. Determined to come back, Geoff & Amelia hiked for Britain and crossed ahead mid way up the final beat. But Graham & Zoe were lifted into the windward mark with a gust from the left, taking the lead once again which they held by the skin of their teeth until the reaching finish to take the race and the series.

Final results
1st N3469 Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne - Numinous
2nd N3464 Geoff Camm & Amelia Hall  - Final Chapter
3rd N3472 Mike Cooke & Debi Gibson - Big Issue
4th N3471 Dave & Josie Greening  - Annie Apple

Single Bottom
1st NX464 Steve Lee & Liz Crighton Mr Jones

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