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National 12 Scottish Championships 2002


7 & 8 September 2002




11 National 12s arrived at the beautiful Solway YC at Kipford to be greeted with sunshine and occasional showers. The was a wide range of boats, from number 1620 in the hands of C Purkis right up to 3475, the new Feeling Foolish of John Hugo.


The competitors headed out against the tide to the starting area to find a light breeze of force 1 - 2. The fleet got away cleanly, with Geoff Camm and Amelia Hall in 3464 first to round the windward mark, closely followed by John and Jimmy Whitehead in 3458, and Mike Cooke and Kathryn Ingham in 3472.  Those positions remained the same for the next lap, until the run where the wind dropped away to nothing.  Mike Cooke managed to keep the momentum going through the calm patch to take the lead by the leeward mark, and holding it to the finish, with the Whiteheads in second and Camm and Hall in third.  The first Admirals Cup (non self draining) was Phil David and James Shipley in 4th place, sailing their baggy trousers design 3217.  


Race two started in a much increased force 3-4 with brilliant sunshine, Ken Wilson was a bit over enthusiastic and was recalled, with John Hugo being forced out at the pin.  John Whitehead was first to the windward mark closely followed by 3208, in the capable hands of Andrew Greenhalgh in his first race in a 12.  A tight reach followed towards Castle Hill Point, where Bernard Clark in 3382 crewed by Richard Willatt snuck into second with Phil David hot on his heels.  On the second reach Mike Cooke and Geoff Camm used their superior offwind speed to take 2nd and 3rd with the positions at the finish Whitehead, Camm and Cooke with Phil David, consistently in 4th.

The fleet awoke on Sunday morning to find no wind, and even less water!  Fortunately when it was time to launch the wind and water had arrived. After a difficult beat to the start, where at least one of the fleet became very attached to one of the mooring buoys, the racing got underway in a steady 3 - 4. Geoff and Amelia lead from start to finish, but ever cautious of Mike and Kathryn and their new found offwind abilities, with John and Jimmy in third, and Phil and James in 4th and Bernard Clark in 5th with Sue Jones and SueWright having their best race of the weekend in 6th. 


Race 4 was sailed on a reversed course, providing a large run across the harbour, with Geoff and Amelia, The Whiteheads, and Mike and Kathryn all with a 1,2,3 scoreline making it all to play for.  Geoff and Amelia took the lead at the first mark, closely followed by John and Jimmy, and Mike and Kathryn. The run saw no place changing within the lead pack, and the finishing order stayed the same, until Phil David taking a great shift up the final beat took third place from Mike and Kathryn.

An enjoyable weekend was had by all, and the visiting southern shandy drinkers will almost certainly be back next year to enjoy the great hospitality and fantastic sailing.

1st 3464 - Transmogrifier - Geoff Camm and Amelia Hall - Shoreham SC
2nd 3458 - White Heat - John and Jimmy Whitehead - Redesmere SC
3rd 3472 - Aardvark Issues - Mike Cooke and Kathryn Ingham - Notts County SC
4th 3217 - Wendy Windblows - Phil David and James Shipley - Yorkshire Ouse SC

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