National 12

Naburn Paddle Open Meeting

9th June 2024

A select group of 3 National 12’s arrived at Naburn to sail for the Naburn Paddle, with the strong wind forecast having put off a fourth boat from travelling. 

Tim and Philip neck and neck on the run

Tim and Philip duelling on the beat


However, only two boats made it to the start line of the first race, Tim & Chris Hampshire sailing N3502 from Ripon SC and Philip David & Ben Kilner sailing N2545 from YOSC. A blustery Force 4 wind was blowing straight up the narrows, which was an ideal direction for a Ship to Yacht Services course. Tim started well, but Philip chased him all the way to the mark, sneaking in on the inside to round first. The two boats were never far apart for the whole four laps of the race, with the lead changing constantly. Philip was ahead on the final run up past the clubhouse to the Yacht Services mark, only for Tim to pass him before the mark and hold first place to the finish and win the Jubilee Cup for the first race.

A very substantial buffet lunch was then provided by the Club, included in the entry fee! After lunch, the wind had moderated a little, so Vince & Fiona Phillips, also from YOSC, sailing N3395 joined in for the second start. The race followed a very similar pattern to the first, with Tim & Philip never far apart. Philip fouled Tim on the second beat as they were tacking so close together, but after completing his turns quickly caught up again. After the end of the third lap it was Philip’s turn to cross the finish line first. Vince & Fiona, never too far behind in third, retired after two laps, missing their
favoured river boat and not finding their Final Chapter very comfortable for all the quick reactions needed for sailing in blustery conditions at Naburn!

The final race got underway with no delay, with the wind now distinctly lighter at Force 3. Tim & Philip had another very close battle. This time it was Tim’s turn to do a 720 penalty on the first beat, but this took longer in the lighter airs and allowed Philip to gain a considerable advantage. However, as the race progressed the wind built again. Philip made a very bad tack on the third beat allowing Tim to halve the gap. Philip managed to stay ahead downwind, but the lighter and more fluky airs on the leg between the clubhouse and Yacht Services were very nearly his undoing, crossing the line less than 5 seconds ahead of Tim.

The spectators commented afterwards how exciting the racing had been to watch. It’s a testament to the class that two boats from very different eras, 35 years apart in age, can stay so close together. Less than 30 seconds separated them in the first two races after 3 or 4 laps respectively and then the final race!

Tim thanked all involved for hosting the event; Larry, Steve & Michael for the racing and Fran, Val & Fiona for the catering - we were all eating home-made cakes provided by them at the time!

Overall results

1st: Philip David & Ben Kilner, N2545, 7 plank China Doll
2nd: Tim & Chris Hampshire, N3502, Big Issue
3rd: Vince & Fiona Phillips, N3395, Final Chapter